Migraines, Headaches, Migraine, Headache, Daith PiercingsMigraine sufferers are familiar with debilitating pain that can ruin one’s day. Migraine treatment is typically aimed at trying to prevent the intensity of symptoms. Pain medication, such as triptan, is typically the first resort. There are also nerve-blocking medications that aim to stop pain signals by blocking their pathways. (1)

However, there is a non-traditional migraine treatment in the news – a daith piercing. A daith piercing is located in the hard cartilage of the ear. Acupuncturists have used this area in order to help reduce migraine pain. There is anecdotal evidence that the piercing is effective at reducing the severity and frequency of migraines. (2)

While medication and the piercing may be effective at reducing symptoms, many migraine sufferers are looking for alternative treatments.

How does my spine affect my migraine headaches?

Your spine is designed to protect your spinal cord. Your spinal cord carries messages to and from your brain. When the top bone in your neck (atlas) is misaligned, this can create pressure on your spinal cord. This can distort messages going to and from your brain, potentially leading to facial pain, muscle spasms, and other migraine symptoms.

Dr. Judge is trained in Blair, a specific chiropractic procedure aimed at detecting and reducing atlas misalignments. Blair involves a gentle chiropractic adjustment that has no popping or cracking. Through realigning the spine, the pressure in the spinal cord is reduced. This can lead to a lessening of migraine symptoms.

Elster reported a study of a 35-year-old female who suffered from daily migraines and tension headaches for 12 years. Her migraines were debilitating and were accompanied by nausea and vomiting virksomhedens hjemmeside. After 3 months of specific atlas care, her migraine symptoms were gone. (3)


  1. Noonan D. New Nerve Drugs May Finally Prevent Migraine Headaches
    [Internet]. Scientificamerican.com. 2015 [cited 23 November 2015]. Available from: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-nerve-drugs-may-finally-prevent-migraine-headaches/
  2. 2. The Huffington Post UK. Could This Piercing Be The Secret To Ending Your Migraines? [Internet]. 2015 [cited 23 November 2015]. Available from: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/11/11/daith-piercing-migraine-relief_n_8531022.html
  3. Elster E. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for a Patient with Chronic Migraine Headaches with an Appendix Summarizing an Additional 100 Headache Cases. Annals of Vert Sub Res [Internet]. 2003 [cited 17 November 2015];2003(August):1-10. Available from: http://vertebralsubluxation.sharepoint.com/Pages/2003_1030_elster.aspx