
Examining the Options for Neck Pain

Neck pain is not easy to cope with. A diagnosis of severe osteoarthritis, thyroid issues, or narrowing of the blood vessels can lead to possible neck surgery. The neck is one of the most fragile parts of the body, more so than the knee or shoulder. That means that neck surgery comes with higher risks [...]

Can Anything Slow the Progression of Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects approximately 400,000 people living in America. Every hour one more person gets this startling diagnosis. Unfortunately, most people find out the bad news when they are supposed to be in the prime of their life, with many years of vitality left. Financial stress comes along with the MS diagnosis. An estimated [...]

Natural Relief for Migraines in Birmingham, Michigan

Migraines are a reality of life for many. In fact, approximately 37 million people in the USA have migraines, with 27 million of them being women. They can be debilitating and make everyday routines a challenge for the sufferer and for family members. Healthcare providers also are challenged by migraines, not only in properly diagnosing [...]

Are There Any Successful Alternatives to Back Surgery?

As the saying goes, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” This is true of a healthy, pain-free back. When that is replaced with back pain, a person really misses good back health. When every move made causes pain, one becomes desperate to find relief. The muscles, joints, and bones of the back [...]

Why Recovering from Whiplash Requires Assistance

Whiplash happens due to damage that was done to the muscles and tendons causing the neck to be strained. This does not only happen when one is in a major car accident. The fact is that it can occur at speeds as low as five miles per hour. A person can go that fast on [...]

Stretch Away Your Sciatica Today!

Everyone who suffers from sciatic has one thing in common—they want the pain to stop! It is important to look at the root of what is causing the pain. This can be done by seeking out a professional who has had success in helping patients with this same problem. Seeing an upper cervical chiropractor is [...]

Whiplash – Help for Sufferers in Birmingham MI

Many people equate whiplash with serious car accidents - and while 2 million people in the US suffer whiplash following an auto incident every year, there are many other less serious incidents that can also cause major neck injuries. In fact, a person can suffer whiplash in low-speed impacts. For example, in a car being [...]

Back Pain: Alleviation Steps

Statistics show that 80% of people will have back pain at some time in their life. It is extremely common. Back pain is reported to be the number one reason for disability in the world. Is there anything a person can do to relieve back pain or possibly prevent it from happening? The answer to [...]